Organisational Context - what exactly does that mean?

At its most basic, the context of an organisation is an in-depth review of a business entity which entails its structure, strengths and weaknesses,...

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4 Benefits of Implementing ISO 45001 in a Small Business

Working is a part of life, but it can also be dangerous. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), almost 2.8 million people die every...

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How Can Small Businesses Mitigate Information Security Risks by Complying With ISO 27001?

Information security has taken centre stage in strategic planning for businesses of all sizes, whether you have 30 or 30,000 employees. Larger enterprises...

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What Are the Steps to Achieve ISO Certification?

The first step in is certifying that your business is ISO compliant is recognising that there is no single right pathway to get there. While there are...

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3 Reasons Why a Small Business Should Comply with ISO 9001

No matter how large or small your business may be, productivity is key to using all of the resources you have available to you. You want to be able to do...

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2015: Significant Changes to ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

The 2015 revision of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 involves changes in a clause concerning the identification of the "context of the organisation" (Clause 4)....

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What is a Management Representative?

A Management Representative is the person appointed by an organisation’s top management who, irrespective of other responsibilities, has the...

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Setting up a DIY Management System

A question that we regularly get asked by business owners and managers who are looking at purchasing one of our Management System templates is “how much...

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